What you should know about liver cancer.


Liver Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the liver that never be control.
The function of liver is,
  • Removes the poisons, alcohol or any drugs in the body.
  • Produce elements that help blot to clot.
  • Helps the body to absorb fats and cholestrol for the body used.
  • Maintain normal blood sugar levels.
  • Regulates several hormones.
Only primary liver cancer is treated as liver cancer. There are four main types of primary liver cancer:
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatoma or HCC) -- This cancer involved for about 84% of primary liver cancers case in the United States. It behaves very aggressively.

  • Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) -- This cancer involved case for about 13% of primary liver cancer in the United States.

  • Angiosarcoma (hemangiosarcoma) -- Rarely found about this case

  • Hepatoblastoma -- Rare also, always have for younger about 4 years old type.

Factor that increase risk to get liver cancer:
  1. Hepatitis,
  2. Cirrhosis
  3. Direct contact with vinyl chloride (polyvinyl chloride or PVC
  4. Exposure to arsenic
  5. Anabolic steroids
  6. Tobacco use


Joy0z said...

when you smoke and drink liquor too much you will see in xray that ur liver covered with or darken..Thank you for dropping


Very informative post! Great information to keep in mind.

Anonymous said...

wow..looks so scary.. though it actually resides in our body.

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