12 Power Food and Never Go Hungry

The Power of 12 Food

These 12 foods make up a large part of your diet. The more of these foods you eat, the better your body will be able to increase lean muscle mass and avoid storing fat. They have been proven to do one or more of the following:

  • Builds muscle
  • Helps promote weight loss
  • Strengthens bone
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Fights cancer
  • Improves immune function
  • Fights heart disease
  • Though you can base entire meals and snacks around these foods, you don’t have to. But do follow these guidelines.
  • Incorporate two or three of these foods into each of your three major meals and at least one of them into each of your three snacks.
  • Diversify your food at every meal to get a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
  • Make sure you sneak a little bit of protein into each snack.

Here's an easy way to remember what's good for you. The first letter of each food group spells: A.B.S.D.I.E.T.P.O.W.E.R 12

A = Almonds and Other Nuts

B = Beans and Other Legumes

S = Spinach and Other Green Vegetables

D = Dairy Products

I = Instant Oatmeal

E = Eggs

T = Turkey and Other Lean Meats

P = Peanut Butter

O = Olive oil

W = Whole-Grain Breads and Cereals

E = Extra-Protein (Whey) Powder

R = Raspberries and Other Berries


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